JF Subtech successfully completed an air diving contract with a thruster replacement for Neo Energy on its floating production storage and offloading (FPSO) vessel, Global Producer III (GPIII), located in the Central North Sea.
The scope of work also included the inspection and replacement of the starboard forward linear loop anode and reference electrode, part of the vessel’s impressed current cathodic protection system.

The challenge
- The project required JF Subtech to utilise both its air diving and ROV expertise to undertake the operation on the GPIII vessel hull, in accordance with NEO’s asset integrity program.
- Work had to be conducted whilst the asset was in production within a short turnaround window.

The solution
- JF Subtech utilised the DP2 offshore construction vessel, the Olympic Challenger, configured with a JF Subtech IMCA compliant Air Dive Spread, Daughter Craft and WROV system to effectively conduct the diving works.
- JF Subtech moved swiftly to mobilise a team of 35 offshore personnel to safely execute the scope of work.
- The project required JF Subtech to utilise both its air diving and ROV expertise to undertake the operation on the GPIII vessel hull, in accordance with NEO’s asset integrity program.

The results and benefits
- Minimum equipment downtime.
- JF Subtech’s significant air diving experience allowed for safe completion of activity within budget.
- Additional ROV surveys conducted at short notice utilising onboard ROV capability.